Healing the inner child

Healing the inner child

From the meditation CD series:
Soul Journeys from the Center of the Heart - CD 2

Through the support of the meditation CD we can find our inner sources of strength and peace again. The listener is accompanied on a journey of the soul, the goal of which is both the emotional healing of the inner child and reconciliation with it.

2 guided meditations, total: 60 minutes

ISBN: 978-3-9503085-1-8


9,00 â‚¬ incl. VAT

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Product details


CD 2: Healing the inner child

These guided meditations accompany our soul to reflection and allow us to feel the depths of our soul again. Through the experience of silence, they lead us to those powerful inner images from the center of the heart that effectively accompany our inner healing in the unconscious. These meditations with archetypal images and special music allow us to become present, mindful and healed in our hearts. The immersion in silence accompanies self-knowledge, is practical and can be easily integrated into everyday life.

Through the support of the meditation CD we can find our inner sources of strength and peace again. The listener is accompanied on a journey of the soul, the goal of which is both the emotional healing of the inner child and reconciliation with it.


1. encounter with the inner child (29 min.)
2. reconciliation with the parents (31 min.)
Total: 60 minutes

CD booklet: Healing the inner child as PDF


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