Happy children, serene adults

Promoting self-awareness and emotional intelligence in children and adolescents

Do you want to accompany your child on the path to developing his or her emotional intelligence?

Do you want your child to be mentally strong and socially competent through life?

Do you want to empower your child to live their self-expression?

If these are the desires you carry within you, then reaching for this book is absolutely the right decision. With sound psychological knowledge and tried and tested Mental and empathy training techniques this guidebook will help you support your children in developing their mental power and promoting the maturation of their emotional intelligence.

1st edition Nov. 2013, 330 p., size A5, paperback

ISBN: 978-3-902907-03-5


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Promoting self-awareness and emotional intelligence in children and adolescents

This book opens the door to an education that will enable your children to grow into mentally strong, self-confident and socially competent personalities and to develop their nature in all its facets. With its countless pieces of advice, the book enables you to develop the emotional intelligence and mental strength of children and young people aged 3-19 in an age-appropriate way.

The well-founded psychological knowledge and the detailed exercises and suggestions in the book will help you to accompany children and young people in this age group with clarity and competence and to show them sufficient understanding.

Parents, therapists, educators, pedagogical professionals, body therapists and all those personsthat play an active role in the lives of children and young people can be found in this book. a diverse source of inspiration. The book also contains valuable advice for adults who are looking for a calm approach to young people.

Happy children and relaxed adults is particularly impressive due to its holistic, structured concept and effective theory- and practice-based exercise programs for working with children and young people and is divided into five areas:

  • Breathing and relaxation training
  • Self-awareness training
  • Emotional self-management
  • Creativity training
  • Empathy and communication training

42 practical and easy-to-perform exercises and case studies make it possible to put the book's theoretical approaches directly into practice. Readers are offered a unique variety of options for working with young people in this book, including the following methods and techniques: Breathing, body, relaxation and reflection exercises, fantasy, imagination and visualization journeys, communication and creativity exercises, creative design of fairy tales and rituals.

Practical and versatile, this book is suitable for all those who take to heart that young people are our future and that one of the most meaningful activities is to spend time with them and help them to consciously accept their place in the world.

Optimal use

How can you work with this book?

The in-depth psychological knowledge and the numerous techniques described in detail in this book aim to develop emotional intelligence and mental to promote the strength of children between the ages of 3 and 12 and young people between the ages of 13 and 19. The following three steps should help you to use the knowledge and the respective techniques optimally and sustainably in your work with children and young people.

Step 1: Get to know the psychological background of mental and empathy training

Before you tackle the individual techniques and various exercises in this book, it is recommended that you the introductory section with psychological explanations about mental, relaxation and empathy training and the most important aspects of these forms of training for you. internalize. With a solid knowledge base, it will then be much easier for you to carry out the various exercises, journeys and rituals with children and young people confidently and efficiently.

Step 2:
 The practice of mental and empathy training

This step is about, combine theoretical knowledge with the practice of mental and empathy training. At this point, it is advisable to carefully study the precise instructions for carrying out mental and empathy training and then all the exercises in order to gain a deep insight into the practice of this exciting and inspiring work.

Step 3:
 Designing mental and empathy training sessions for children and young people

Now that you have acquired the theoretical and practical basics of mental and empathy training, it's time for you to now independently design mental and empathy training sessions for children and young people of different ages. Try out your ideas straight away and observe how your content is received by the children and young people. They are sure to give you honest feedback and the enthusiasm with which they participate in your suggestions will also provide you with helpful suggestions from which you can learn for future mental and empathy training sessions.

For whom suitable

The purchase of this book is particularly worthwhile if

  • you with Children and young people work, and they support would like, itself Independent, mentally strong and socially competent at develop.
  • you feel the need to understand your children better and want to stimulate their creativity and imagination.
  • your children or the children and young peoplethat you accompany or with whom you work, to independentself-confident people educate with sufficient self-confidence and emotional intelligence would like.
  • you Children and young people support you with mental and empathy training techniques, Courage for self-expression and to stand by their own greatness.

Table of contents

Children are a miracle
Guide to the book

Chapter 1 - Appreciation, empathy, serenity: the key to love

  • 1.1 Children are our future
  • 1.2 Children today: youth under stress
  • 1.3 The longing for love and connection
  • 1.4 Appreciation, serenity and empathy: the key to children
  • 1.5 A playful, humorous approach to empathy

Chapter 2 - The art of composure

  • 2.1 Serenity with children
  • 2.2 Stumbling blocks on the path to serenity
  • 2.3 Serenity training in six weeks

Chapter 3 - Training for the development of self-awareness and emotional intelligence

  • 3.1 Why should children develop their emotional intelligence and self-awareness?
  • 3.2 The effect of exercise programs on children and adolescents
  • 3.2 The term "emotional intelligence"
  • 3.4 The structure of the training

Chapter 4 - The areas of training

  • 4.1 Breathing and relaxation training
  • 4.2 Relaxation training
  • 4.3 Self-awareness training
  • 4.4 Emotional self-management
  • 4.5 Creativity training
  • 4.6 Empathy and communication training

Chapter 5 - All about training

  • 5.1 Notes on the exercises for children aged four to seven
  • 5.2 Notes on the exercises for children aged eight to twelve
  • 5.3 Notes on the exercises for young people aged 13 to 19
  • 5.4 Inner attitude of the trainer
  • 5.5 The characteristics of a trainer
  • 5.6 The importance of the relationship between trainer and child
  • 5.7 What should the trainer pay attention to when practicing?
  • 5.8 Ideal conditions for carrying out the exercises
  • 5.9 Structure of an exercise unit
  • 5.10 Techniques and methods

Chapter 6 - Practical part

  • 6.1 Breathing training
  • 6.2 Relaxation training
  • 6.3 Self-awareness training
  • 6.4 Emotional self-management training
  • 6.5 Creativity training
  • 6.6 Empathy and communication training

When a child



Customer reviews

25 reviews for Glückliche Kinder, gelassene Erwachsene

  1. Susanne P. from Baden -

    Also for people who work with children
    As a psychologist, I regularly conduct the fantasy journeys and exercises with the children/adolescents I accompany. The images are well thought out and strengthen children and teens in their development, gaining courage, self-confidence, serenity and much more. Highly recommended!

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  2. Sarah L. from Graz -

    Understandable and substantial!
    This understandable and substantial book helps me to accompany my child lovingly and empathetically on the way to the development of his own personality. This book shows how important it is for children to learn to feel emotions and to be able to develop freely.
    The many fantasy journeys also encourage parents to engage with their children in a playful and conscious way. An indispensable guide for parents who want to take the upbringing of their own children into their own hands.

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  3. Renate P. from Ilz -

    Capture children in their natural traits!
    The personality descriptions of the children in this book very accurately illuminate the strengths and weaknesses of children and adolescents. The author's recommendations are excellent, easy to implement and confirm her pedagogical experience and profound knowledge. Through this book I can see my daughter with completely different eyes and have new possibilities to respond to her. In addition, I also find the description of the parents' life figures very helpful. Recognizing one's own weak points as a parent creates understanding and serenity in parenting. Thanks also to the author for the many different approaches to solving the problem. A substantial book for all who want to understand children and really want to encourage them in their individuality.

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  4. Helga F. from Ried i. Innkreis -

    My kids are thrilled!
    In the beginning, I stuck to the exercise program. In the meantime, my children choose exactly the fantasy journeys they need at the moment. We have a lot of fun together, and our relationship with each other has also been strengthened enormously as a result. Another very positive side effect is that my youngest has started to talk more. Before, he always gave curt answers, was always more in the observer role, and now he is starting to come out of his shell. I can really see how he is strengthened by the fantasy journeys and exercises. His essays at school have also improved. His teacher is amazed. I think that's great.

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  5. Manfred L. from Leoben -

    Increase self-esteem
    Our son has always been rather hesitant, cautious and observant. This book has made a valuable contribution - if not the biggest contribution - to him becoming braver, more confident, more open and more forthcoming. He has begun to talk more about himself and how he is feeling in different situations, whereas before, when I would ask, I would only get a brief "Good" or "Not so good."

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  6. Martina R. from Graz -

    Very good book!
    Very helpful, lots of valuable information, highly recommended, easy to read, totally practical, with many exercises for children from 4 to 19 years! A valuable guide for all who want to meet children and young people with love and empathy. Super exercises for the development of emotional intelligence and creativity.

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  7. Silvia J. from Wiener Neustadt -

    Also for grandparents!
    I have always been interested in nurturing children, and that didn't stop when I became a grandmother. My grandchildren love the fantasy journeys, and their parents are grateful because I make such a valuable contribution to helping them develop optimally. I think it can never be early enough to teach children what they can do with their thoughts, focus and mental power. Above all, because at this stage they can still learn all of this in a playful and very simple way and can thus apply it later in their lives quite naturally.

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  8. Elisabeth R. from Linz -

    Knowledge and practice for strong children
    This book is written in a very understandable way, easy to follow even for non-educators. All topics are examined from both sides - from that of the parents and from that of the children. Motivating and also very beneficial for one's own mental awareness. Engaging to read despite the factual subject matter. The Program for Serenity helps parents or educators enormously to cope with the challenges of everyday life with children and adolescents with more calm.

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  9. Ute W. from Kapfenberg -

    Big profit
    This book does not consist of big bla-bla, like some other books. It gives valuable tools in the hand to get directly into the easy and also playful application. It's all very easy to implement, especially because everything is explained in detail. Even if you've never done anything like this before, you'll find your way in right away. The biggest benefit is that you spend time with your own child, and that too without pressure to perform.

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  10. Marlies B. from Spital -

    Promote emotional self-management
    I came to this book through our son's classroom teacher. She always does exercises from this book with the children in class. Elias has very often spoken so enthusiastically about it that I also bought it. Through the simple exercises and fantasy journeys, we have succeeded in making Elias much more relaxed in dealing with his emotions and feelings, and he is more relaxed and free in dealing with others.

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  11. Claudia O. from St. Andrä -

    Promote empathy and communication!
    In this book you get ideas, tools and strategies to strengthen the self-awareness and relaxation, but also the empathy and communication skills of children and young people. I think this is really brilliant, because it gives them access to their own emotional world and to their authenticity and creativity, i.e. to everything that is often neglected in today's rationally oriented world.

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  12. Angela M. from Munich -

    Self-perception strengthened
    I went to motor therapy with my daughter due to self-awareness difficulties, concentration difficulties and learning difficulties. By chance I got to chat with my neighbor. She recommended this book to me and I am very grateful to her for this tip. In the meantime, with the help of this book and the book "Psychological Numerology for Children and Adolescents" by the same author, I also found out where the cause of all my daughter's difficulties lies. The fantasy journeys, exercises and rituals, but also the tips have helped my daughter and also me a lot. She is happier, calmer, feels herself better, can better distinguish herself and better recognize what her feelings and those of others are. The best thing, however, is that she has shed the feeling created by therapy that perhaps there is something wrong with her, that she is not okay the way she is. For this I am infinitely grateful to the author.

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  13. Paula S. from Bad Gastein -

    A great gift
    I bought this book because of the many fantasy journeys, exercises and rituals for my children. At that time I was not aware how much this book will enrich me myself. Because it made me aware of how much my tension and inner turmoil as well as my pressure to perform is transferred to my children. I was able to move towards more serenity, inner peace and above all more empathy through the suggestions and exercises for parents. Also, everything I did with my kids from the book I visualized, imagined with them from the beginning. A brilliant book.

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  14. Isabella K. from Freistadt -

    Great tips for heart building
    The practical exercise section makes this book a valuable workbook that I always enjoy having at hand. Whether it's a lack of concentration, fears, self-doubt or learning blocks - the problems children have to deal with in everyday life are many and varied. In order to be able to meet the growing demands at school and in leisure time, this book has a wealth of tips and exercises at the ready that help parents, teachers, educators and caregivers to accompany children competently through this process.

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  15. Belinda D. from Mayrhofen -

    Our daughter loves this book
    My husband and I have never been able to explain why our daughter has such a hard time communicating with others. We are both professionally confronted with a lot of communication and have always tried to encourage our daughter in it, but we did not get rid of her shyness. But through the playful exercises, fantasy journeys and rituals, we have finally managed to encourage her properly. It is unimaginable how courageous, expressive and lively she has become.

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  16. Sonja M. from Ferlach -

    Further development for small and very large!
    Especially in today's world, where you as a parent are often overwhelmed and stressed, it's important to slow down for once. It has never been as difficult as it is today for children and young people to cope with all the pressure and responsibilities and demands. Therefore, it is very beneficial if our offspring learn to stay calm as early as possible. I think the various exercises, but also the fantasy journeys are really great! The great thing about them is that if you do them with your own children, i.e. if you participate as a parent yourself, you gain an enormous benefit for yourself as an adult. I also think that it is very important to be a good role model for your children, and in this way they see that not only they "have to do or should do", and so something beautiful, common can come out of it. Through the many valuable suggestions, children learn to remain in control of their own situation, even in stressful situations.

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  17. Michael N. from Wolfsberg -

    Serenity and more!
    I bought this book because I felt that my son had become rather quiet lately, withdrawn and showing less zest for life than usual. Reading the first part made me realize how much I was involved in this. Through my stress, my quickness, my constant restlessness, I put pressure on my son, did not respond to him the way he needed. Through the training program contained in the book, I have regained a form of serenity that I haven't felt in years. Even more so, I am more powerful than I have ever been. The time I spend together with Julian through the fantasy journeys, rituals and exercises is now full of joy and characterized by harmonious togetherness. This book has had positive effects on me as a father and on Julian.

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  18. Doris G. from Hollabrunn -

    Promotion of powerful children
    Even before I had a child of my own, I knew that I would support my child so that he or she could develop optimally. This book lays a good foundation for that. I also find the calmness training for adults super, because especially in the kindergarten everyday life I can observe again and again how stressed parents deal with their children. Which is actually insane. So this book is also a great help for adults to become calmer and more relaxed inside and thus to be able to respond to their children in a completely different way.

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  19. Nina F. from Gleisdorf -

    A great guide!
    This book combines scientific and pedagogical approaches, enabling every parent as well as those interested in pedagogy not only to know, but also to put this knowledge into practice. The many exercises help to engage with children in individual or group settings. Each fantasy journey and also each ritual addresses a different aspect of the intellectual and emotional intelligence of children and adolescents, which offers the possibility to accompany the development of one's own child in a holistic way.

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  20. Bianca R. from Lichtenstein -

    Part of our everyday life
    This book has become part of our everyday life. Our daughter is a lively whirlwind. Which we also have a lot of fun with. But the problem was that it made her sleep crazy restless. Which in turn deprived us of sleep. That was the reason why I went in search of supporting literature. The suggestions, exercises, rituals and especially the fantasy journeys for relaxation had an extremely good effect on Elvira. Step by step we could observe how her sleep has become calmer and how she is also more relaxed during the day. She no longer seems so scattered and whirling. I have already given the book to many friends and they are all thrilled.

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  21. Sabine S. from Vienna -

    Fantasy journeys and more!
    I am a childminder of five children and have two children already in elementary school myself. Therefore, I can really say how helpful this book is. The mothers and partly also the fathers of the children in my care are also enthusiastic. The many fantasy journeys, which are often to be performed with body touch, so that the children get a better body feeling, are great. This book has become a part of my work life and the children love the fantasy journeys. Unimaginable how easy it is to encourage children, without much effort. Great!!!

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  22. Christian H. from St. Michael -

    Highly recommended
    The book is about how to teach children to be calm and relaxed. Sounds crazy when you read this, but children are also under stress - if only when you bombard them with questions about homework, friends, experiences or school during dinner. In addition, our children are constantly confronted with expectations, pressure to perform and also sensory overload, which means that sooner or later the brain is overwhelmed. Then it also comes to concentration difficulties or weaknesses. I have made the experience that my children have become much calmer, more relaxed and also happier through these simple fantasy journeys, exercises and rituals. Meanwhile, they come and ask when we will do them next time.

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  23. Monica H. from Preding -

    Required reading for conscious parents and educators
    I am very enthusiastic about this book and often use it as a reference book. It is written in a way that is understandable even for non-experts in this field. I have been able to get great tips and food for thought. This book is a real asset for parents and, as a result, their children. But I can also recommend this book to educators and anyone who deals with children. It is fun to read in and it motivates to encourage our children in their growth so that they can develop better than our previous generations were able to do. A big thank you!

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  24. Johanna B. from Graz -

    Strengthen children and young people
    I can describe this book in a few words: It is very enriching for parents, families, teachers and everyone who works with children or supports and accompanies them. The many exercises and examples make it practical, and it is written in a way that is easy to understand. In every line you read, you feel the author's experience and passion for the subject, and you are immediately inspired to put theory into practice with heart and soul. Through this book I became aware of how important the development of emotional intelligence is for children and adults to be able to lead a happy life.

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  25. Gudrun K. from St. Lamprecht -

    Recommended and important!
    While reading the book, I always felt the author's mindfulness and empathy. Yes, it is the most important thing to teach our children mindfulness, serenity and emotional self-reliance. I think this book is brilliant. A great book also for parents, teachers, educators, kindergarten teachers, grandparents and all people who spend time with children. This book is an important contribution to our children and their development. I can use the fantasy journeys and the thoughts on mindfulness well in my work with children.

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