Handbook of Psychological Numerology for Children and Adolescents

Handbook of Psychological Numerology for Children and Adolescents

Recognizing and promoting the development potential of children and young people

Understanding and accompanying children on the path to authentic self-expression

This book lets you dive into the personality of a child and makes his natural traits and the core of his personality accessible to you. This book is a loving, wise companion on the path to a more natural, conscious and supportive accompaniment of growing people.

1st edition Dec. 2018, 328 p. in b/w, format A5, paperback, eco paper

ISBN: 978-3-9029070-8-0


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Recognizing and promoting the development potential of children and young people

One of the most difficult and at the same time most fascinating tasks in a person's life is to accompany children on their way to adulthood.

How can you support the nature of children?
How can their self-esteem, independence and individuality promote?

Psychological Numerology according to Dr. Mazza ® offers helpful insights and recommendations to find concrete answers to these questions.

This book provides you with all the tools you need to carry out a complete and detailed numerological analysis of children and adolescents. Various exercises and rituals that you can perform together with your children and/or adolescents will help you to respond to them individually in order to support them in their growth.

Many Recommendations and funding opportunitiesand the Analysis the parent-child relationship and the relationship between adults and children enable a More conscious and harmonious relationships.

The pillars of the book are well-founded psychological knowledge, numerous exercises from children's mental and empathy training (one of my main areas of work as an author) and psychological numerology.

Optimal use

How can you work with this book?

This numerology book offers you the opportunity to analyze the parent-child relationship as well as the relationship between children, adolescents and adults from different perspectives. I recommend the following 3 steps for working with this book:

Step 1:
 Analysis of the vital statistics of a child or young person

For this first step, I recommend the Life number of the child or adolescentwhose numerological analysis you would like to carry out. For the life number, as explained in the book, it is recommended to read the description of all 3 numbers that make up the life number and to pay special attention to the challenging character traits and the opportunities for advancement.

Step 2:
 Analysis of the adult's (or parent's) vital statistics

In the second step, you should analyze your own life number or the life number of the adult who is in relationship with the child or adolescent. When analyzing this life number, you should pay particular attention to the learning task and the challenge. To create a harmonious relationship with the child or young person, it is important to find out which is the The learning task in the relationship with the young person is. It is also essential to be aware of the challenges that the relationship with the child entails.

Step 3: Analysis of the parent-child relationship (or the relationship between children/adolescents and adults)

This step is about analyzing the child-parent ratio, which shows the dynamics, the challenges and the Potential of a parent-child relationship or a relationship between children, adolescents and adults analyzed. When analyzing this figure, it is essential and important to focus on the development potential that the relationship brings with it, both for the child and for the adult.

For whom suitable

Buy this book if

  • you want to make yourself aware of, what learning task the relationship with your child, or childrenthat you accompany has in store for you
  • you the Capture all facets of your child's personality would like
  • you children zto the development of their natural personality and their self-confidence
  • you the personality, as well as the Your child's challenges want to understand more during the important time of puberty
  • you are looking for concrete support and encouragement options for your child from toddlerhood to puberty are
  • you the relationship with your own childrenor the children you are accompanying, and the learning taskand the challenge of this relationship
  • you want to recognize what challenges and learning tasks you face in your relationship with children and young people have
  • you long for it want to find more belonging, understanding and cohesion in your relationship with your children and the children you accompany

Table of contents

Origin of this book and Psychological Numerology for Children and Adolescents
The parent-child relationship in the mirror of numerology
The structure of this book

Chapter 1 - The life number of a child: The key to clarifying his or her life path

Chapter 2 - The educational cycle: support on the path of life

Chapter 3 - Life number of parents and caregivers: The compass for a serene adult-child relationship

Chapter 4 - Child-parent number: Guidelines for a harmonious relationship between adults and children



Customer reviews

33 reviews for Handbuch der Psychologischen Numerologie für Kinder und Jugendliche

  1. Petra M. from Berlin -

    Helpful and recommended!
    As a child psychologist, I can only say how valuable this book is for parents, but also for people who work with children. The book is structured in an understandable way and expresses everything very clearly. What I like so much is that individual approaches to solutions, assistance and support possibilities are shown. Parents can accept these well and also implement them. I find the book very helpful and can recommend it.

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  2. Marlies P. from Graz -

    Top, as already usual from the author
    Absolutely recommended - like all other numerology books by the author. You get an understanding of why a child reacts in certain ways. And the best part of the book is that valuable help is provided. I am thrilled.

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  3. Kira D. from Neunkirchen -

    Very informative, super tips and hints
    Very informative book with super tips and hints. You recognize a lot from yourself as well as from your own children or children from the environment. We have implemented some tips and can already see the first successes. Even my husband, who is actually very analytical and top-heavy, is thrilled by the book. The great suggestions have brought a lot more light-heartedness into our family life. We are convinced that we can now lay a better foundation for our child's future. We can only recommend the book.

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  4. Sarah T. from Feldbach -

    Insider tip
    A very recommendable book. Not only parents should get it, but also grandparents and all people who deal with children in general. The personality of children is explained with simple descriptions, but also problems, psychological injuries and obstacles are dealt with. I deal with children on a daily basis and can only say: No matter which child I have counted out, the descriptions are one to one. As if the author knew the respective child.

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  5. Bernd H. from Mistelbach -

    Enthusiasm and amazement at the same time!
    Once you have read this book and "Happy Children, Serene Adults" by the same author, you can actually forget all other books on child rearing or children's guidebooks. I am thrilled and amazed at the same time how much lightness, joy and encouragement is conveyed. The implementation is easy and makes, as already written, joy.

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  6. Andrea S. from Seiersberg -

    Recognize the development potential of children/youth!
    This book brings many insights, is very informative and stimulating. While reading, one reconsiders many situations and is shown suggestions and possibilities on how to support one's own child and how to do something differently. Most importantly, you find out what your child needs to develop and thrive in the best way possible. Should be read by all parents.

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  7. Ute T. from Völkermarkt -

    Unimaginably apt!
    This book hit the nail completely on the head. I am a very nurturing mother. My child is rather free spirited, likes to play wild, is loud and addresses things exactly as they are. I was constantly arbitrating, regulating, ironing things out. Which, of course, led to friction between us - until I read this book. It was not always easy to accept everything, but after some reflection one admits that the author brings out the points aptly. By understanding some of the behaviors, the newfound understanding of myself and my child, and implementing the advice, our family life is succeeding better. Our relationship is more relaxed, communication is more open, and I am just learning to just watch for once without trying to fix everything! My husband always jokingly says that our child will be very grateful to the author!

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  8. Sophie R. from Gratkorn -

    Also great for people who work with children!
    I was already thrilled by the book "Happy Children, Serene Adults" and can only highly recommend this book as well. As a mother, I can say how enriching this book is when dealing with children. The parents of my children in care were also able to get a lot out of it. I also find it unimaginably accurate in how the individual personalities of children are described. Great again!

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  9. Bettina W. from Wettmannstätten -

    For more understanding
    This book helped me to better understand the relationship between me and my son. The issues and solutions highlighted have given me the opportunity to take immediate action. I am now in the process of making incremental changes. Complete satisfaction!

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  10. Marlene H. from Regensburg -

    Improve the quality of life!
    Super helpful, not only for my children, but also for me. Small, simple things can make everyday life easier for big and small, you just have to know how. And exactly this how is tailored to each individual character. Never thought something like this was possible. The school problems have all but disappeared just because I understood that my fears and worries, as well as my behavior, were putting enormous pressure on my son. Since I've been behaving differently and implementing some other tips, things have been working much better at school. Great! Thank you so much!

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  11. Elisabeth P. from Hitzendorf -

    Support in the adult-child relationship!
    As an educator, I can recommend this book to anyone who deals with children. It is nice to see how uncomplicated it is to accompany children properly. With the help of the insights, support possibilities and assistance for children and parents, you can lovingly help them grow.

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  12. Dominik W. from Vienna -

    Clear and easy to understand
    This book has produced many aha effects for me. Many useful suggestions that can be easily implemented. I also recommend the book to others.

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  13. Olivia N. from Judenburg -

    Valuable and actionable tips!
    Actually, before I had my daughter, I resolved not to read any "parenting guides" because I always found them to be forced. I also always had the feeling that you then behave according to all sorts of rules, but it's actually all just an act. But this book is so much more. I received it as a gift and at first only read it briefly. But then I immediately got stuck on a point that captured my full attention. As a result, I began to look into the book. I am very grateful for it because it has made my life with my children a lot easier and we have all found more joy in life, strength and individuality.

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  14. Nina K. from Nestelbach -

    Accompany children properly!
    I bought this book to support my own children. But when I realized how helpful it was, I started using it for my school work as well. Each time, I was amazed at how accurate the descriptions were. I would never have imagined how easy it is to respond to one's own children individually and to nurture them properly simply by understanding them at their deepest core. And even less could I have imagined how helpful it can be to understand a child and their behavior in a school context. For me, this book has been a tremendous asset both professionally and personally. I can only warmly recommend it to anyone who accompanies children!

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  15. Yvonne I. from Eggenburg -

    Understanding children/adolescents better
    Thanks to the valuable advice in this book, I was able to improve my relationship with my child, who is already showing slight signs of puberty. Moreover, I now understand my child better and because of that I can approach different situations in a completely different way. I am currently reading the book "Happy Children, Serene Adults" by the same author and I am also thrilled. Can take a lot out of the books for myself.

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  16. Margit Z. from Kalsdorf -

    A very great book!
    Here you have the feeling that the book was written by someone with "heart and brain". Not by one of those "psychologists" who just beat around the bush, but by someone who really gets to the heart of the issues! And in such a way that you can take away something for your upbringing, for living together and for the promotion of your children. While reading, I had the feeling that the author confirmed what I instinctively knew, only I didn't know exactly how to change it before. The advice and help is great written. I have three children and have completely recognized all of them, as well as myself and my husband.

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  17. Mona L. from Bad Füssing -

    Help in puberty!
    A great support when you are confronted with pubescent young people. I am very glad I bought this book because it gives me a better understanding of how to respond to each young person. This book complements my training wonderfully. Have already recommended it to all my colleagues.

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  18. Julia K. from Heimschuh -

    Recommended for all parents
    Highly, highly recommended for all parents! With emphasis on ALL parents! My daughter is in puberty and I was overwhelmed beyond measure. I came to this book by accident. It is so brilliant. You see everything immediately with different eyes, suddenly you understand why, why and why!!!! The book and my daughter's numbers describe her personality in a nutshell. But they show not only how she is now, but also how she was as a toddler and child. Now I understand what she would have actually needed. How much easier everything would have been if I had this book earlier! By implementing the advice, our relationship has improved unimaginably. I am thrilled.

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  19. Katja P. from Zettling -

    A book with great impact!
    Finally a really excellent book to understand children, to encourage them and to make living together with them more worthwhile, happier and more relaxed! You don't get a book with a lot of blah-blah about raising children, where you get the feeling that you are doing everything wrong anyway. No, you get the opportunity to understand your child and yourself better. And possibilities are shown, how one can master situations differently. I also liked the book so much because I really recognized my child - and also myself - through the number descriptions. This also allowed me to better accept the advice. It is easy to read, understandable and easy to implement.

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  20. Karin B. from Pinkafeld -

    Capture children at their true core!
    I could never do anything with the conventional parenting guides. When I read them, I always felt as if the authors didn't trust me with my own common sense. In fact, I didn't want to read any of those books anymore. But a colleague at work recommended this book to me, and because of her positive feedback, I decided to read it after all. Now I am completely thrilled because I feel understood, because above all I finally understand my child. Even my mother, who read the book after me, says the book describes me better than she ever could.

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  21. Hannes V. from Leibnitz -

    Mastering difficult situations well
    Got a lot of useful tips in this book to better deal with my son in difficult situations, but also in normal everyday life! In addition, my son's thoughts and actions are now more understandable to me. Highly recommended.

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  22. Monika S. from Deutschfeistritz -

    Learning from each other!
    The author could not have named it more aptly. Since I read this book, I really have the impression that I can learn from my son. At first, I was only focused on the negative, on the problems and the disturbing. But now I have realized that we can learn from each other. Since I understand his behavior and have the great help from the book, I feel more confident, it's easier for me to make specific changes. Our family life has become much more relaxed, cheerful and also more interesting since my frame of thinking has been expanded. Thank you very much!

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  23. Elke F. from Scheibbs -

    For small and big children!
    Whether for young or old or perhaps already pubescent teenagers, you get good suggestions, lots of information and plenty of suggestions for improvement. This book helps to promote the potential of children and to remove obstacles in the way. The side effect is the improvement of the relationship with one's own child. Great.

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  24. Thomas T. from Gmünd -

    Super guide!
    I bought this book because my son has always been a little different than all the other kids and I was hoping to finally understand why he behaves one way or another. I was very satisfied. Can recommend the book to all people who deal with children.

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  25. Marianne K. from Vienna -

    Children or young people and the best possible support!
    I bought this book because I have always tried to understand my students and then encourage them in their individuality. This book supports me a lot in this. I have also shown and recommended it to the parents of my students, who in turn have gladly accepted the help. This is the best way to promote school life, family life and living with children.

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  26. Caroline F. from Lilienfeld -

    Pure stimulation!
    Finally a parenting guide that is not boring and dry, but makes you smile and is highly recognizable. Tips are easy to implement and it works - has surprised me personally very much!

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  27. Helga P. from Weiz -

    Amazingly accurate!
    I find it incredible how accurately a child can be described by numbers. I completely recognized my daughter. I am glad I bought this book. It helped me a lot to understand why my daughter is so resistant. Through the recommendations in the book, I can now respond to her much better, our relationship has improved a lot.

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  28. Gregor W. from Freistadt -

    Great suggestions
    The book doesn't tell you when to behave and how, but it encourages you to think about and understand children's behaviors. There were many "aha moments" while reading it. By implementing the different pieces of advice, we have already been able to achieve some changes and successes.

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  29. Claudia F. from Unterpremstätten -

    Enrichment for our family life
    I and my husband liked it very much, a lot of good and family-friendly - and above all implementable - suggestions to enrich life with children and thus family life. It has helped us a lot to better understand and support our child.

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  30. Marie H.W. from Gratwein -

    Recognize broad spectrum of child personalities
    Great suggestions and assistance. I was able to eliminate problems in everyday life with my children through the descriptions of the individual figures in the book and address their personalities even more specifically. I am impressed with how accurately the positive character traits are described and how helpful the support options are.

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  31. Sandra S. from Vienna -

    Always great
    I can only express, as with the previously published numerology books of the author, the greatest praise. No matter which child I have calculated with his numbers in my environment, I could recognize it immediately. I think it's great that parents get such a great help in hand, so that they can accompany their offspring optimally into adulthood.

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  32. Gerda C. from Klosterneuburg -

    Recommended advice
    Both from my point of view as a mother and from my personal experience, I can only emphasize what recommendable advice and information is contained in this book. An incredibly valuable contribution to giving children the best possible support so that they can later excel in today's society.

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  33. Manuela S. from Lannach -

    Promote children properly!
    Especially in this day and age, supporting our children is more important than ever before. Thanks to this book, I now have a great guide at my side so that my son can develop optimally and be prepared for the demands of the current world according to his talents and abilities.

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