Bringing the miracle of femininity to fruition: "Energetic support for women and women's complaints from the menstrual cycle to the menopause"

Bringing the miracle of femininity to fruition: "Energetic support for women and women's complaints from the menstrual cycle to the menopause"

von Dott.ssa. Mag. Dipl. Päd. Ernestina Mazza

In our time, it is an absolute priority to reawaken and strengthen feminine power and empathy and the motherly elemental force.

This intensive seminar offers you the opportunity to familiarize yourself in depth with the mental and physical Development of the woman to deal with.


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Product details

This intensive seminar offers you the opportunity to familiarize yourself in depth with the mental and physical The development of women and the symbolic nature of the feminine to deal with.

We will look at and learn to understand the adventure of being a woman from different angles: The Traditional Chinese Medicine and Indian chakra theorywhich Energetic and craniosacral bodyworkwhich female archetype theory and Solution-oriented coaching form the theoretical cornerstones of this training course. From each of these disciplines and methods you will Helpful and effective procedures, rituals and techniques presented, which Awaken the feminine essence. The contents of this seminar and course will enable you to accompany women sensitively and consciously in the various stages of their female development.

Further information about the seminar on:


Module 1: Basics of female body awareness

Introduction to feeling and recognizing one's own body as the basis of female identity.

  • Introduction to the female anatomy and physical self-confidence
  • Energetic bodywork and self-treatment techniques
  • Basic meditations to strengthen body awareness


Module 2: Ritual and meditation for the female body

Develop a deep connection to your own body through rituals and guided meditation.

  • Building rituals to strengthen feminine power on a daily basis
  • Visualization techniques to internalize the feeling of the body
  • Exercises for relaxation and stress reduction


Module 3: Energetic balance and chakra balancing

Understanding and applying energetic concepts to harmonize the female body.

  • Techniques for recognizing and dissolving energetic blockages
  • Introduction to chakra theory and its significance for female energy
  • Use of acupressure and flower essences for self-treatment


Module 4: Psychosomatics of the female organs

Understanding the connection between body and psyche and strengthening the organs in their entirety.

  • Recognizing the psychosomatic connections between the female organs
  • Exercises to promote a positive organ sensation
  • Methods for resolving emotional injuries


Module 5: Symbolism and metaphor of the female sexual organs

Deeper understanding of the spiritual aspects of the female reproductive organs.

  • Interpretation of the symbolic meanings of the sexual organs
  • Use of rituals for energetic support of the sexual organs
  • Introduction to TCM concepts and their application to female organs


Module 6: Strengthening the reproductive organs

Activation and strengthening of the sexual organs through targeted exercises and techniques.

  • Yoga and Taoist exercises especially for women
  • Use of mudras to energize the sexual organs
  • Self-treatment techniques for daily practice

Module 7: The menstrual cycle as a mirror of the self

Exploring the menstrual cycle as a path to self-knowledge and harmony.

  • Understanding the different phases of the cycle and their meanings
  • Exercises to support your own cycle phase
  • Techniques to alleviate discomfort


Module 8: Cycle consciousness and its archetypes

  • Archetypes of the female cycle
    Exploring the menstrual cycle as a source of strength and creative potential.
  • Recognizing your own cycle patterns and their influence on daily life
  • Shamanic and energetic practices to honor the cycle
  • Ritual work to celebrate and accept the cycle

Module 9: Healing practices for the female cycle

Application of healing techniques specially developed to support and harmonize the menstrual cycle.

  • Integration of relaxation exercises into everyday life
  • Deeper insights into shamanic healing methods for women
  • Specific self-treatment techniques for different phases of the cycle


Module 10: Holistic view of female energy

Bringing together all the elements of the seminar to promote a healthy, energetic and harmonious lifestyle.

  • Developing a holistic view of female health
  • Creation of a personal wellbeing plan taking into account all the techniques learned
  • Final meditation to integrate and consolidate the seminar content


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